华威大学PS的要求是什么? 4279

如果对留学及海外就业有任何疑问,欢迎拨打电话 022-2328-9071/9075
最近,皇冠现金网出国的一些同学准备递交华威大学的申请了。我以华威大学的MSc Accounting & Financial Management举例,看看PS都需要回答什么问题?
Programme Details部分有两个问题需要回答
Personal Statement
Please draft a brief (4,500 characters maximum) personal statement that:
- Explains your interest in this specific course
- Describes how this course will help you to achieve any future study plans
- Describes how this course will help you to achieve any future career plans
Advice and guidance on personal statements.Guide to writing your personal statement (warwick.ac.uk)
2. Qualification and English Language部分,除了常规的学术/专业资质外,可以额外选填第二项相关资质(500字符,大概80个单词左右)。